Health & wellbeing

“Every Baby Counts, No Matter How Small”.

27 February 2020

We got behind another worthwhile fundraiser here in Arusha, which raised nearly $40,000 for the NICU at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre! Here’s why.

From a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit mother …

“Being a NICU mum, I personally can tell you how important and meaningful this is to me and all the mothers out there who have to go through a difficult time fighting for their babies lives in hospital. Please know, with your contribution you will make this so much easier for the families of these babies. ”

From Dr Swanson…

The event was amazing to behold and raised nearly $40,000 for the NICU at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre! This was, by far, the most successful fundraiser we have ever had—and I owe you a debt of gratitude, for your support, sponsorship and generous donations!

In 2019, the NICU had:

316 babies admitted

45% were premature new-borns

85 babies received free care through the NICU Fund, at no charge to the family

231 babies received subsidized care

93% of viable babies survived (among the highest survival rates in all of East Africa!)

Several babies weighed less than 1,000 grams

Even more babies weighed less than 1,500 grams

Most babies stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks. Some for as long as 3 months.

316 babies... and all this care offered for the price of 1 baby hospitalized in USA for 2 weeks.

With the funds raised from this year’s NICU Fundraiser, we will:

Purchase needed equipment: monitors, IV pumps and phototherapy equipment 

Continue to offer neonatology workshops and on-site visits to major government 
hospitals throughout Tanzania, responding to invitation to help these hospitals develop 
greater capacity to care for critically-ill babies 

Provide care to an estimated 100 babies at no charge to families (average hospitalization 
cost = $800/baby)

From Nomad…

We are so proud to have supported this event and done our bit to help for the third year running!

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