Sand Rivers

The first discussion attempt on the Blog

09 March 2011

Hello Everyone
This Blog is a little different than your usual entry. Myself and our Guides had a discussion the other day with out a solution. So we would appreciate your input.
Here is the question: When do Legs become Arms.
And here is what we are asking. At what point does an animal have two arms and not two front legs.
One suggestion was once you can grab something with it and bring it to your mouth, but then an elephant would have 4 legs, 1 arm and no nose.
Another suggestion was, once the animal is in the category primates. But we decided that the front legs of a bush baby are legs not arms.
Then there are birds who can grab with their legs and bring the leg to the mouth.
Another suggestion was once the animal walks upright. But Chimpanzees prefer to walk on all 4 with their two legs and their two arms.
There were plenty more suggestions but no real conclusion, So we are waiting for your input.
Claus and the Guides at Sand Rivers

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