A chimpanzee paradise, where fantasy mountains and forests rise out of Lake Tanganyika.

The final hour of your journey to this far flung Garden of Eden is by boat on a cobalt blue lake, stretching 500 miles north to south and a mile below. As the fishing villages thin out and mountains rise, you begin to sense how much you've left behind. Time slows down in the silence of no roads for a hundred miles. The beauty is irrepressible. We’ve seen hunting dog on these beaches, bushbuck, even the pennant-winged night-jar.

Life here is a hedonistic wilderness cocktail. In the forest, as well as a completely wild-living, but habituated group of chimpanzees, live nine other species of primate, leopards and a host of shy forest creatures. Around them, streams are strung with vines, ripening fruit and jasmine flowers. By the beaches, with tropical fish around them like butterflies, hippopotami bob in its clear waters.

Mahale Mountains National Park

Mahale Mountains National Park is an idyllic lost world; few other people ever see the magical forest, mountain waterfalls, and the gin-clear lake.

map of Mahale National Park




Expeditionary walking camp

Expeditionary walking camp

Rooms are hidden among massive boulders on a little kopje - each with astonishing views over hundreds of miles of wriggling, giggling, trumpeting, roaring creatures

In a grove of sausage trees in Ruaha National Park on the banks of the Ifuguru River, in the best game area in the park.

In the entire park, there is not a single road, so your entire experience will be on foot. This is a wholly unique wilderness and a long way off the beaten track. But the lake, the beaches, the extraordinary forest, and of course the chimpanzees all make it a journey well worth undertaking.

Nomad Tanzania has the beautiful Serengeti Safari Camp which is the perfect location to catch the wildebeest migration.

This internship between Nomad and the Hope Centre is very good, it is helping these girls stand for themselves.

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