An alluring wilderness no matter what time of year you visit.

The dry season which runs from June until the end of October sees water sources drying up, and the wildlife congregating around the rivers and numerous waterholes. This makes for excellent big-game viewing, particularly when it comes to predator action as the herbivores constant quest for water makes them vulnerable to opportunistic hunters. The movements of the wildlife in the park are a little more predictable and so our intrepid team of guides traverse the winding water ways, in vehicle, on foot and by boat in search of exciting wild action.

From November the rains begin to arrive in Tanzania and this heralds the arrival of youngsters of all shapes and sizes. The impala and many other antelope choose this time of plenty to have their babies, which again yields exciting opportunities to witness predators in action. A huge highlight of this time of year is the birding. Migratory bird species arrive in the area and don their very impressive breeding plumage, often an explosion of unexpected colour in the bush as they flit from tree to tree. Boating is excellent as the river level rises.


July to August

September to October

November to December

January – March

Dry season approaching

The water recedes, grasses dry out, leaves begin to fall. Wildlife is in top condition. Many birds still have their breeding plumage, June is an exciting month for new lion cubs and pride dynamics.

June is a common month for many plants to flower. June is typically cool, with some rainfall early in the month. Days are often overcast, which makes for great afternoon and late morning safaris. Good time for fly camping.

Prices from $750 per person per night

Cool, dry, and superb wildlife

Wildlife is concentrated along the river and lakes. Walking is superb as the vegetation opens. The sand river and jungle game drive route comes into season. River sightings are excellent as sand banks are exposed for hippos and crocodiles.

The marshes are well watered and become popular spots for herbivores, and therefore predators. Elephant sightings in camp occur regularly, even daily. Predator sightings are typically excellent.

July and August are typically the coolest months with overcast skies but 0mm of rainfall. Cool, overcast mornings allow for fantastic long walks. Excellent for fly camps.

Prices from $1,175 per person per night
July to August

Wildlife gatherings at rivers and lakes

River and lakes team with wildlife. An excellent month for predators; game loses condition and becomes vulnerable around drinking spots. Elephants continue to gather at the river to feed and begin to dig drinking holes in the dry riverbeds.

By the end of October, even some of the smaller lakes and the garden become dry. Elephants resort to stripping bark off trees for sustenance. The first migratory birds begin to arrive. Excellent time for boating and fly camping.

Nyerere becomes ever drier, water sources become more critical. Weather completely dry and temperate. October often brings isolated storms and rain showers. Temperature and humidity increase considerably. Best month for sunsets.

Prices from $1,175 per person per night
September to October

Return of the rains but wildlife still excellent

November is typically still quite dry, but we may see the first rains. The grasses sprout 5-7 days after the first sustained rainfall. Migratory birds begin to arrive.

December is typically a month of change. Migratory birds become ubiquitous, trees begin to grow new leaves, and by the end of the month, the green season has set in. December is a very hot and humid month. Fly camp may be disrupted by rainfall.

Temperatures are consistently warm, and rainfall is erratic, with some years bringing isolated showers and other years bringing more sustained rainfall.

Prices from $790 per person per night
November to December

Green, lush and full of life

Depending on the rain, wildlife may be dispersed so you might have to work a bit harder, but the rewards are always great. The bush is also beautiful and green, trees in flower and full of life. Birds starting to get breeding plumage.

January is normally quite a hot month and there is the chance of the odd shower. Walking best done early or in the cool of the late afternoon.

February is often one of the most beautiful months here, but a lot depends on the rains which are erratic at this time of the year - it can either be quite green or reasonably dry.

March in Nyerere still likely to be green and beautiful and this is one of the best months for birding, boating, and walking. The river normally rises and there's still the odd chance of a shower and expect dramatic cloud formations.

Prices from $790 per person per night
January – March

Southern Tanzania safaris

This is all about experience. A safari spent in the game rich plains of Ruaha, and the endless wilderness of Nyerere, the south is hard to beat.


A. Gibson

Review for sand-rivers

"Amazing Staff, Lovely Facility"

Amazing staff and lovely facility


Review for sand-rivers

Incredible Honeymoon Start

Sand Rivers is an exceptionally magical and unique place to stay, it has been the most incredible start to our honeymoon. You are welcomed like family, everything is taken care of with so much thought and attention to detail and there is so much to do it’s like no other Safari experience we have had...

D. Peeters

Review for sand-rivers

Incredible Charm, Outstanding Service

Sand Rivers is all about experience and environment. Its location on the banks of the majestic Rufiji river allows for gamedrive, river safari, fishing, hot pools (don't miss it).
The service is outstanding and the lodge has an incredible charm.

H. Stannard

Review for sand-rivers

Perfect Honeymoon Start

Sand Rivers was the absolute perfect place to start our honeymoon. Living in harmony with the bush, beautifully decorated, and with incredibly kind and knowledgeable staff it set an unsurpassable bar for the rest of our safari holiday.

Camps visited:

A. Ritch

Review for sand-rivers

Magical Place, Excellent Service

Magical place with excellent service. Staff was great, beautiful setting great river and game drives. Great guides

Camps visited:

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