
Butterfly times

09 October 2012

Within in a period just a little over two weeks, Mahale Mountains NP is brimming with butterflies again. The little rain showers we had were enough to create the explosion in butterflies so common for this time of the year.

Mating of Acraea Igola

Announcing the change into the wet time of the year, the butterflies are going to stay with us for a while now. Everywhere you walk different beauties fly around.

A stunning Iolaus species

A short walk is enough to run into many of them. Photograph what’s out there, look at them flying around, it’s truly so cool to experience. What is certainly more challenging than we thought is setting the (sub) species apart from another.

The Acraea Petraea

But alot of fun it is and with the butterfly season soon in full swing – lasting all the way into April – we should have plenty of time to become specialists!

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