Life long learning & growth

Eggs-tended Family

17 February 2022

Mama Lazaro is part of our extended Nomad family. Wife to one of our longest standing camp guides (Lazaro), she has also made her mark on Nomad in her own special way. When we heard about her wish to start a chicken project, we were first in line to make an order for a tray of eggs.

Now some three years later, during our peak season she supplies us with around 4500 eggs a month. With a bit of a helping hand, a loan for the initial start-up costs, and the guarantee of regular orders, Mama Lazaro has managed to successfully run her chicken business and earn a regular income which she uses to invest in her children’s education. She beams from ear-to-ear when she proudly tells us how she is now able to send her two children to good private schools and help them achieve their ambitions of becoming a doctor and lawyer.

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