Life long learning & growth

Simba Scholarships - Adam

10 June 2019

One of our Simba Scholars, sponsored by Nomad Trust through RCP for their secondary education, has sent us a little bio about himself and what this opportunity means to him.

Adam, age 14.

 My name is Adam Papaa Sangayaa. I was born on 20th May 2005 in Mahuninga village. I come from a Maasai tribe and my parents are pastoralists. I am the third born with my two elder brothers and two young sisters. In 2012, I started my primary education in Mahuninga Primary School and completed in 2018. I joined form one in Idodi Secondary School in January this year, 2019 and hope to finish secondary school it in 2022.

Just like it is with our tribe, going to school is not easy because parents always want you to go to herd the family's livestock and no one will support you if you insist on joining school. This often happened to me but because I liked school, I never gave up until I completed my primary education despite all the setbacks. After joining my Secondary education life became even more difficult because there are more expenses and support was very limited. The little I got was after my Father was pushed by the government.

I thank God that RCP came and started supporting me on almost all of the school fees and other requirements so I now don’t worry of my future in in school like it was before. When I grow up, I want to be a pilot. Apart from school schedules, I like playing football and grazing cattle.

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