Life long learning & growth

Simba Scholarships - Mbuga

01 August 2019

Another youth has joined our family of scholarship students in Ruaha. We look forward to watching the progress of Mbuga, age 16, as continues through his secondary education as a boarder.

My name is Mbuga. I was born in 24th April 2003 (16 years) in Kinyika village. I come from a Sukuma tribe and my parents practice Agro-pastoralism. My father has two wives. My mother, Dotto Nyanzala, is the second wife. We are a total of 14 children. To my mother, we are 8 children and I am the fourth born.

I started primary school in 2012 in Kinyika primary and completed in 2018 and in 2019, I joined Pawaga secondary school for my secondary education. In my family it is only my elder brother and I that are in school. My other elder brothers and sisters dropped out of school and are now helping my parents with crop production and animal keeping (cattle herding).

After joining my secondary school, my father failed to pay fees for my accommodation in school so I was just a day scholar. This situation didn’t give me enough time for my private reading as I were so engaged with home activities and I had to cover a long distance every day to go to school. I thank RCP for helping me out because after stepping in, I am now in boarding and so my own revision is easy because I keep in school all time.

In school, I like playing football and spend most of my time reading. In future, I want to be a pilot and I will work to my best to achieve my dream so that I may help my mother.

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