
Steve & Kiri’s last blog

12 April 2012

I know I’ll be back!99.9% of the guests that I have sat down to dinner with in Mahale have been enchanted by this magical place. I hope it stays as enchanting; a remote part of the planet where Chimpanzees rule and we continue to observe only one community, a small percentage of the wild Chimps in the Mahale National Park, leaving the largest known population of wild Chimpanzees to continue on their evolutionary course. So much is still unknown about Chimps in the wild. Experimented on in the name of medical science, chimpanzees are nearing a critical evolutionary stage where many more may exist in captivity than wild.

It’s a credit to Nomad Tanzania that they have been able to keep a remote lodge such as Greystoke running so smoothly. I want to say thanks to the well oiled Nomad support team based in Arusha, Tanzania.

Finally, although I am an Alofu supporter I wish Primus all the best in leading the M community, let’s hope he will sire a strong future generation of wild Mahale Chimpanzees.

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